viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

Recycling campaign

What objective have we in this planet? Our world, the only known in our solar system with life. Don’t you think that it is stupid try to find another world with another kind of life? The mankind are consuming unnecessary all the resources of the Earth, or planet is sick, but we can safe it if we begin now. All the plastics and the bottles and electronic compounds that we through out in the garbage can be reuse it in new products. That’s why we want to create a new company focus in educate the world and teach how they can take advantage of the garbage.

We have some objectives like company, the first one is be in contact with the majors of each city and talk about how they can help us in each community. For example we want to implement put around 500 dustbin in San José City, but if the people do not know how use this dustbin
 the project will be a failure, for this reason we have to educate each person. We know that it is not an easy work do this, this is why we want to recruit around 200 volunteers in each city, and they can have the most important part of the project because they will teach the people how to recycle.

Of course is not enough teach people in the city, if you want to safe our world you have to communicate all the population that something wrong we are doing, that why we created programs to all the people, the first one is go for the jails and teach the prisoners how they can reuse the ‘garbage’, I put garbage in quotes because in the majority of the cases are not trash. Prisoners can created figures with garbage, they can reuse materials that are quite useful, and maybe they can be part of our company like a volunteers, prisoners have too much to our society. We have a lot of plans, we want that you will be part of us, your company can be part of us, we just want to save the world, we don’t want another planet, we just one this, it is enough.

Our planet is sick, how couldn’t be? If the population of all the planet spend more or less 1 or 2 kg per day, how many the companies spend? Just the 7% of the garbage is recycle, it is completely necessary that you and I try to think about your children, your family, and your friends. Focus in your planet and don’t search live in another world, is easily save what we have that find what you don’t know if it exist.

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


Power, money, fortune, wealth; what does success really mean? Money is always in the middle of the discussion if success is measured in dollars, of course for me this can be an important element in this society, but if you do not have vision your money could be a double edged knife. Now, you can obtain a fortune in three different ways, the first one is if you inherit money from your family, the second one is if you won the lottery, this could be the most difficult of all these, and the third way to get a fortune is earning it on your own.
Now why have I mentioned these options?, Because for me the effort you realize to obtain or achieve your goals is the most important factor that gives you success and this can demonstrate that money is not the only form to be successful but the experience that you win in the way to obtain your objectives.

Now we will explain what can happen when a person without vision receives a considerable amount of money. What this kind of people do when they have this money? In many occasions the first thing they think on is to get a luxurious car and an apartment of course, followed by this we can find taxes of the government and the thousands of expenses they do in expensive products and parties and… All they do is spending all in useless things. Now when you fight against all kind of obstacles, maybe you are in bankrupt but you continue believing in your project of life, your family tells you that you are in a wrong way, you always have to define your steps and don’t influenced by the bad comments of the people that don’t have vision at all.

People always relate success just with famous people in the world like Bill Gates, Messi, Pelé and Rihanna, and they are successful people because they used their abilities to overcome their obstacles but they are not the only people that are successful; many people in our communities are successful too. This is a really difficult issue to talk about, because how can you measure success? We need a lot of people to live, if you want to be wealthy you may need the public transport, are bus drivers successful people? How can you say that they aren’t? They are responsible of thousand of people per day, and they have an incredible domain of the money, the people that clean our neighborhoods, are they successful? For me they are heroes of the society, many people discriminate them but the work that they do is admirable, we need them, and for me they are successful, they do an excellent work and help our country move.

What other issue is linked with success? Charity could be one of them, because it represents the gratefulness that successful people have with society. Of course if you listen charity, the first thing you attach it is people donating millions of dollars to kids or people building houses to people that don’t have a home; but when people without money want to donate something to society, how can they do that?
Use their abilities to return anything at our society. Many people have vision, but they have no money, now you can use your abilities to focus people that have no vision and have money, or many people use art to give smiles to many children that are in the orphanages; for me they are successful, they have no money but they enjoy what they do and want to be an inspiration to many people.

With everything I said, I conclude that the most important thing to be successful is passion for what you do, money sometimes will come if you do a good job. You need to be focused in what you want, never give up your goals and try to obtain experience from what you do, because it will give you different solutions and will help you to resolve problems that successful people have.

Genius, Talent. Comparison, differences and common things.

In high school we always had a smart guy that everybody hated, maybe because he was an antisocial or he was the guy who always responded question to the teacher. Maybe to use the word genius is incorrect or maybe not, why? Genius is somebody who does something inexplicably different, somebody who creates and uses his/her knowledge to resolve problems. Now how can you explain the talent? If you see somebody who does difficult actions without effort, maybe you are seeing a talented person. Genius and talented people have been studied by the psychology, but the branch which have been favored the most is science.

Of course we can’t say that just the science is affected by genius and talented people, because music is one of great example of that. Instruments in music have suffered changes by the ingenious of musician, for this we have an incredible number of instruments around the world. It is easy to talk about genius people in music like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, but where can we find the talent in music? You just have to search for people who can interpret classical music easily, or people who can hear a guitar solo and play it in less than a day. Geniuses in music are almost extinct, many people say that it is really difficult to find somebody who have created his own work with orchestra, in these days people are dedicated to copy the work of Beethoven or anybody else in classical periods, maybe the people who do this are talented.

Science, for me, is the most benefited of all the branches. It’s because all periods have had different objectives, for example, in Greece when philosophy and science are siblings, they created basic knowledge, and we talk about Pythagoras, Arquimedes and of course Aristotle. Now in the next period of time appeared Newton, he did a revolution in math; it could be the birth of the engineering. But Newton made a mistake, and nobody saw it until Einstein resolved what he did wrong, and this could be why I say that science is the most favored by geniuses, because it’s not a competition to be the best, but it’s a form of resolving difficult mistakes and trying to give your own opinion. Talented people in science are who fix and have enough knowledge about machines and environment where they are working.

Is the social science affected by the genius and talented people today? Sure it’s, because many ideas that they use today are created by people with vision. But in many cases people misinterpreted what the authors said, like Marx. He gave his idea of perfect style to live, he called communism, today the communism is like a damnation because many governments modified what he say and created socialism. Well, for me Marx is a good example of a genius, and of course presidents and people who have the power in countries are talented because they use their abilities to convince people, but they are not genius because they don’t have new ideas and then don’t created new knowledge.

Being intelligent, having skills to do something, how can we explain each characteristic? They are inherited or people build them by studying and practicing? The history is being written by genius but talented people are the most efficient assistants that they can have. To be genius, you have to obtain knowledge of some specific issues and try to do something that people have never imagined. What we need is fresh ideas than can change the world, ideas that resolve the form  they see our planet, respecting what we built.