viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

Recycling campaign

What objective have we in this planet? Our world, the only known in our solar system with life. Don’t you think that it is stupid try to find another world with another kind of life? The mankind are consuming unnecessary all the resources of the Earth, or planet is sick, but we can safe it if we begin now. All the plastics and the bottles and electronic compounds that we through out in the garbage can be reuse it in new products. That’s why we want to create a new company focus in educate the world and teach how they can take advantage of the garbage.

We have some objectives like company, the first one is be in contact with the majors of each city and talk about how they can help us in each community. For example we want to implement put around 500 dustbin in San José City, but if the people do not know how use this dustbin
 the project will be a failure, for this reason we have to educate each person. We know that it is not an easy work do this, this is why we want to recruit around 200 volunteers in each city, and they can have the most important part of the project because they will teach the people how to recycle.

Of course is not enough teach people in the city, if you want to safe our world you have to communicate all the population that something wrong we are doing, that why we created programs to all the people, the first one is go for the jails and teach the prisoners how they can reuse the ‘garbage’, I put garbage in quotes because in the majority of the cases are not trash. Prisoners can created figures with garbage, they can reuse materials that are quite useful, and maybe they can be part of our company like a volunteers, prisoners have too much to our society. We have a lot of plans, we want that you will be part of us, your company can be part of us, we just want to save the world, we don’t want another planet, we just one this, it is enough.

Our planet is sick, how couldn’t be? If the population of all the planet spend more or less 1 or 2 kg per day, how many the companies spend? Just the 7% of the garbage is recycle, it is completely necessary that you and I try to think about your children, your family, and your friends. Focus in your planet and don’t search live in another world, is easily save what we have that find what you don’t know if it exist.

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