martes, 11 de agosto de 2015


I want to talk in this blog about Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan, he was one of the most rarely mathematician that this science have in its story because this guy learn math alone. He went to school and he dominate easily trigonometric topic. When he was 15 years old somebody gave him a book with 6000 mathematical theorems without demonstration and he resolve, it means that any person could use this theorems in science because nobody knows how they works. When he resolve the problems people told him that maybe somebody could support him to obtain a grade in any university and he sent his work to three mathematician, two of them didn’t take importance to his work but a teacher in England saw a genius in him.

He born in 1887, his family was completely poor but he won a scholarship to study in a school. Of course he went to the high school and when he tried to get into a university he failed because he was focus in his theorems.
His life was really short because he lived 32 years, nobody knows how he inspired to achieve his results, of course many of his demonstration have mistakes that are not allowed in this science, but many things that he did was the base of many outcomes in math. Maybe he had no mistake in his works but his perspective of math is different that the perspective we have now.

All his life was affected by serious illness like the tuberculosis, this incontrollable illness was that killed him. When he dies it was a terrible news in England because his contributions in math collocate him in the Royal Society, it was one of the most important organization that the science had. He taught us that however difficult is your passion you can focus in what you want and give something to this world although professional people try to separate you of your dream continue what you think is correct.

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