martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

When a idea can change the world

When we are preparing our university career many ideas come to our minds, in general people think that this ideas are just to pass the courses, the majority of them see this projects like an obligation but maybe this ideas can change the world and they don’t know. For example: You are in an electronic course, you are obtaining knowledge of your career and your teacher assigned you a work that investigate some topic and try to apply this issue in an application. This kind of homework or projects are really interesting because you have to confirm the theory with the practice, and you begin work with your project, the majority of the time if a person that is already finished your career see your work they always said that the elaboration of the project can be more easy to develop, and always is true but the student always have the problem that they can imagine what they say because we are not develop this kind of vision.

We are obligate to pay attention in this comments that advance people say because they can have the solution of a problem. We have to develop the vision to our projects and what they can change in our society. We need to focus in each detail, always try to learn about what your teacher say, squeeze all the information of internet with deep investigation in Youtube, Google this sites can have thousands of answers to us. Of course they group in which you work is so important, you have to search versatility in your partners, they have to be your complement, if you don’t know something about a topic somebody in your group have to know about that and vice versa.

Try to do useful things in your courses, simples that it can be if are useful somebody with vision can help you either a financial help or knowledge help. Prototypes are so important today, because in this world is really difficult created something new, because majority of thing are already created but if you know another form cheaper to create something that is so expensive you can change the world. I know cases that create a prototype of a machine that cost around $15000, the hospitals cannot spend this amount of money in an instrument, and somebody create an identical instrument in just $3000, did you see it? Is something that is already done and they modify their elements and help the hospitals to buy this machine. Focus in what you want and I can tell you that you and the society can receive benefits.

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