martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

When a idea can change the world

When we are preparing our university career many ideas come to our minds, in general people think that this ideas are just to pass the courses, the majority of them see this projects like an obligation but maybe this ideas can change the world and they don’t know. For example: You are in an electronic course, you are obtaining knowledge of your career and your teacher assigned you a work that investigate some topic and try to apply this issue in an application. This kind of homework or projects are really interesting because you have to confirm the theory with the practice, and you begin work with your project, the majority of the time if a person that is already finished your career see your work they always said that the elaboration of the project can be more easy to develop, and always is true but the student always have the problem that they can imagine what they say because we are not develop this kind of vision.

We are obligate to pay attention in this comments that advance people say because they can have the solution of a problem. We have to develop the vision to our projects and what they can change in our society. We need to focus in each detail, always try to learn about what your teacher say, squeeze all the information of internet with deep investigation in Youtube, Google this sites can have thousands of answers to us. Of course they group in which you work is so important, you have to search versatility in your partners, they have to be your complement, if you don’t know something about a topic somebody in your group have to know about that and vice versa.

Try to do useful things in your courses, simples that it can be if are useful somebody with vision can help you either a financial help or knowledge help. Prototypes are so important today, because in this world is really difficult created something new, because majority of thing are already created but if you know another form cheaper to create something that is so expensive you can change the world. I know cases that create a prototype of a machine that cost around $15000, the hospitals cannot spend this amount of money in an instrument, and somebody create an identical instrument in just $3000, did you see it? Is something that is already done and they modify their elements and help the hospitals to buy this machine. Focus in what you want and I can tell you that you and the society can receive benefits.

Mad Max: The movie

Reflection about the movie: MAD MAX.

When I saw this movie I just criticized it because for me the movie could have a powerful message, the movie in general has an exaggeration of action that could be replace by information related with the movie. Many topics could be mentioned in it like deforestation, contamination of the water, these issue was taken but it might be more critic in this aspect. This movie could contain the hunger of people, of course in it we can see the people being dominated by a corruption, but I think you can build a different for to transmit this topics. I know that they wanted to create a utopic world that can be reality in the next years, but for me the movie present elements that are unreal.

Of course I have to praise some elements that the movie has, for example the leader that dominates the people, he has thousands of militaries that support him. Another think that I like is the empire that the leader has, it is completely separate to the people, this reflects what we live today because our representative people lives far away from us. The water could be the main idea that the movie want to chase, the people have an imitated quantity of water they have to fight against themselves for a liter of water, and this is what will happen in a few years if we don’t take care of it. 

At the end of the movie the leader is ousted of his power, but in this real life the government are powerful than the movie try to represent. They have technology and the army in their favor, we have to reflect about this because we are who give the power to the president and this guys, and if we have bad decisions, the power can dominate us. This could be one of the important messages of the movie, it was a little hidden because they focus in a unreal war, but maybe this can be a good alert of us.


I want to talk in this blog about Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan, he was one of the most rarely mathematician that this science have in its story because this guy learn math alone. He went to school and he dominate easily trigonometric topic. When he was 15 years old somebody gave him a book with 6000 mathematical theorems without demonstration and he resolve, it means that any person could use this theorems in science because nobody knows how they works. When he resolve the problems people told him that maybe somebody could support him to obtain a grade in any university and he sent his work to three mathematician, two of them didn’t take importance to his work but a teacher in England saw a genius in him.

He born in 1887, his family was completely poor but he won a scholarship to study in a school. Of course he went to the high school and when he tried to get into a university he failed because he was focus in his theorems.
His life was really short because he lived 32 years, nobody knows how he inspired to achieve his results, of course many of his demonstration have mistakes that are not allowed in this science, but many things that he did was the base of many outcomes in math. Maybe he had no mistake in his works but his perspective of math is different that the perspective we have now.

All his life was affected by serious illness like the tuberculosis, this incontrollable illness was that killed him. When he dies it was a terrible news in England because his contributions in math collocate him in the Royal Society, it was one of the most important organization that the science had. He taught us that however difficult is your passion you can focus in what you want and give something to this world although professional people try to separate you of your dream continue what you think is correct.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

A story of adversity and overcoming

Now I want to talk about a story of inspiration to many people in our world, I want to talk about a person who fight against the human logic because he learnt how to play the guitar without his arm, his name is Tony Melendez. Our society tend to discriminate people with disabilities, because society thinks they cannot bring something good to the world. People with disabilities have to do extra work to obtain what they want, this is why I what to talk about Tony because he swims against all the prognostics and he managed something that many ‘normal’ people can do.

When his mother was pregnant the medicine in Nicaragua was terrible and the doctor gave his mother a pill that affect completely the development of the child in his stomach. He born without his arms and his family decided go to US searching the best to the child, his parents was musician and his father gave him a guitar, and he search the best way to play the guitar with his feet.
All his life he had to learn how use his feet in his daily life, in the high school he wrote with his feet. One question that maybe you have in your head now… Does he have children? Of course he has, but he adopted two children, one of them is Nicaraguan and the other one is Salvadoran.

I talk about this story because can be inspiring to many people, maybe we put us obstacles that doesn’t exist and people give up really easy. Think about what you have and try to definite your objectives, what you want to achieve. All people have the same possibilities, but always win the people who focus in what they want. This kind of cases can chance life but if you never trust in what you are and what you have maybe you never going to look your objectives thrive.

Analysis Monseñor Romero the Movie

The movie present two kind of important forces, this give us a different elements of power that we don’t know in our country but of course some of them are knowns here in Costa Rica. Catholic religion and the Government are those powers that can be easily recognize in the movie, of course we have the same forces in our country but with different type of influences. The Government has the army, they act against the people when they fell under threat, they can kill the population whatever they want. The movie has a scene when the church is celebrating the designation of Monseñor Romero in a park, they were singing and in a park, and the army arrived to throw out the people, they ignored the army, and the army use their unlimited power to kill many citizens; they use this scene to critic what they did and what they do today.

Catholic religion is, of course, one of the most powerful and influence force that our world have; they have money, and millions of followers. In our country isn’t the exception because of Government has the Catholic Church like the official in our country, for me this have to change. The influence that the Church have in Politic is really important, in some scenes we see Romero talking with the new President of El Salvador and the President told him that they needed working together. Army, Religion, Politic, when the power is out of control they can be fateful because they forgot that they are working to the people; human rights are one of the most forgotten issues of these three powers and economy and social power could be devastated easily by there.

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

What has English IV meant to you?

This is a reflective blog that I have to do to this course. I think is not my obligation talk about this, rather can be something good for me because it can be a feedback to me and to the teacher. English IV is the last theoretical course of my university, in it I grouped all knowledge that I received in other courses. In general was a good time to learn, it was 4 months that the teacher focus in try to read in English and practice a lot of vocabulary and begin conversations in English, they are elements that you need to learn a language. 

The issues in this course was applied in what we live today, for example we had more or less 5 classes talking about recycling, nowadays could be one of the most important issues you can find because our planet is sick for our trash, and previously we talked about technology, it is in our society in almost all the think but the garbage this produce is contaminating our world, and how you can have an equilibrium of those issues? Another topic that we saw in class and it is related with technology is geniuses, they are people smart, brilliant that created or do something new to the society, and they have a wide perspective about science but the majority of them haven’t vision about what can happen if its inventions or ideas fall into wrong hands.

We talk too about abilities, our abilities, and we had to do a presentation about it. It is very difficult because in this case you have to explore yourself and talk about why you think you have a special ability. In my case I present about music and I played 3 cover songs with 2 of my friends, it was a simple presentation but the teacher was so happy. To my partners was difficult to do the presentation, and it is obvious because in some cases you have to prepare psychologically to do something in what do think you are good, and present something in front of your classmates is really complicated.

The teacher that we have in this course is so funny, talk a lot she never stop and she laughs contagiously. She knows which are the main problems that the students have in the learning of the language, and I know she wants to correct us. I’m really happy because we will finish this quarter in two weeks, and I want to obtain great grades in my final test. I hope that all my classmates pass the course because the way have been really tired and it would a bad news if somebody stays in the road that we walk.

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

My carrer

Hi everyone, today I want to talk a little bit of my career. I have been studying circuits engineering and electronic systems for 3 long years, and I want now tell you what my career is. We have two branches in the study of the electricity, one of them is the electrical and the other one is the electronic. Electrical is the big form to study this career, we are talking about big machines with many electricity in its elements and powerful. When we talk about electronic we mention little components, micro current, like computes, cellphones and many things that we use nowadays.

Why I choose this career? Because is better burn cheap elements that you can go and buy another easily than burn something expensive is you do a mistakes in your calculus, and your knowledge can be applied in big things. What kind of instruments the students use to learn electronic?

The first thing you have to study is how the electricity works, you have to study particles, atoms, negative and positive values of the core… etc. When you have learned this elements you can begin with the protoboard, and what a protoboard is? In this table you can build your ideas or exercises and confirm what the teachers told you in classes, and you can use multimeter to read what is happening in your circuit.

This issue is very extensive because we have to learn about magnetism too, this could be one the most important topic in science in this days, because it in theory can offer a clean electricity and totally free, we are talking about Tesla, but it is complicated because electricity is one of the biggest business in the world and give free energy can be catastrophic.

And well, this is a little introduction of my career, if you are in the same branch please always share your knowledge with people that are beginning in this career, and try to obtain more and more information because it is what we need today.

If you are not in our branch just try to understand what the electricity is because if you use it incorrectly this can be dangerous, and if you are interesting in it search information of Arduino and learn about programming languages, this two element can open you the door to an infinite projects and information.

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

My talent

A few months ago I did a presentation in my English IV class about my abilities, talent or hobbies that I have when I am out of the university. When the teacher told us about what we have to do, immediately I thought in present some songs of music in class with two friends of my band, I’m a bass player. I began when I was in high school at the age of 15, at the beginning it was like a hobby, I didn’t take it some important to understand deeply what the instrument offer me; but when I was in the university some friends told me about a band they wanted to create and I accepted their propose.

Since the time we began to play with that band I felt the necessity to understand what I was doing because I learned alone how to play the bass. And then now in this new project I had to study the instrument like a new career. The function that the electric bass have in a band
could be the most important because, how its name says, is the base of the group. It’s funny because people in general don’t know what important is the bass, they just know that guitar is the principal instrument and drums are the powerful, and maybe this interpretation is not at all incorrect because the bass is the bridge between these elements.

Now I want to talk of my band, we began a year and a half ago. We were invited to a festival that the University of Costa Rica realize annually, the name of the event is University Week, and it is to celebrate the anniversary of one greatest achievement that Costa Rica has, this achieve
happen in 24 April 1970, and it was about the opposition to explode minerals in the south of our country, this was another day that Costa Rica put its name in the World Green Countries. When we received the invitation we were so excite, and we rehearsed songs that a friend had to a previous band. At the day of the event many friends were to see us, we were so nervous because we never had been in this kind of situation but when we started play our music all changed.

And well, in this moment we have more or less 10 original songs, we are 7 members, and we have many projects. One of our objective is be listening by the people and we want that they understand our critic, our dream is inspire the people with the music because music is power and can move many interesting ideas

viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

Recycling campaign

What objective have we in this planet? Our world, the only known in our solar system with life. Don’t you think that it is stupid try to find another world with another kind of life? The mankind are consuming unnecessary all the resources of the Earth, or planet is sick, but we can safe it if we begin now. All the plastics and the bottles and electronic compounds that we through out in the garbage can be reuse it in new products. That’s why we want to create a new company focus in educate the world and teach how they can take advantage of the garbage.

We have some objectives like company, the first one is be in contact with the majors of each city and talk about how they can help us in each community. For example we want to implement put around 500 dustbin in San José City, but if the people do not know how use this dustbin
 the project will be a failure, for this reason we have to educate each person. We know that it is not an easy work do this, this is why we want to recruit around 200 volunteers in each city, and they can have the most important part of the project because they will teach the people how to recycle.

Of course is not enough teach people in the city, if you want to safe our world you have to communicate all the population that something wrong we are doing, that why we created programs to all the people, the first one is go for the jails and teach the prisoners how they can reuse the ‘garbage’, I put garbage in quotes because in the majority of the cases are not trash. Prisoners can created figures with garbage, they can reuse materials that are quite useful, and maybe they can be part of our company like a volunteers, prisoners have too much to our society. We have a lot of plans, we want that you will be part of us, your company can be part of us, we just want to save the world, we don’t want another planet, we just one this, it is enough.

Our planet is sick, how couldn’t be? If the population of all the planet spend more or less 1 or 2 kg per day, how many the companies spend? Just the 7% of the garbage is recycle, it is completely necessary that you and I try to think about your children, your family, and your friends. Focus in your planet and don’t search live in another world, is easily save what we have that find what you don’t know if it exist.

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


Power, money, fortune, wealth; what does success really mean? Money is always in the middle of the discussion if success is measured in dollars, of course for me this can be an important element in this society, but if you do not have vision your money could be a double edged knife. Now, you can obtain a fortune in three different ways, the first one is if you inherit money from your family, the second one is if you won the lottery, this could be the most difficult of all these, and the third way to get a fortune is earning it on your own.
Now why have I mentioned these options?, Because for me the effort you realize to obtain or achieve your goals is the most important factor that gives you success and this can demonstrate that money is not the only form to be successful but the experience that you win in the way to obtain your objectives.

Now we will explain what can happen when a person without vision receives a considerable amount of money. What this kind of people do when they have this money? In many occasions the first thing they think on is to get a luxurious car and an apartment of course, followed by this we can find taxes of the government and the thousands of expenses they do in expensive products and parties and… All they do is spending all in useless things. Now when you fight against all kind of obstacles, maybe you are in bankrupt but you continue believing in your project of life, your family tells you that you are in a wrong way, you always have to define your steps and don’t influenced by the bad comments of the people that don’t have vision at all.

People always relate success just with famous people in the world like Bill Gates, Messi, Pelé and Rihanna, and they are successful people because they used their abilities to overcome their obstacles but they are not the only people that are successful; many people in our communities are successful too. This is a really difficult issue to talk about, because how can you measure success? We need a lot of people to live, if you want to be wealthy you may need the public transport, are bus drivers successful people? How can you say that they aren’t? They are responsible of thousand of people per day, and they have an incredible domain of the money, the people that clean our neighborhoods, are they successful? For me they are heroes of the society, many people discriminate them but the work that they do is admirable, we need them, and for me they are successful, they do an excellent work and help our country move.

What other issue is linked with success? Charity could be one of them, because it represents the gratefulness that successful people have with society. Of course if you listen charity, the first thing you attach it is people donating millions of dollars to kids or people building houses to people that don’t have a home; but when people without money want to donate something to society, how can they do that?
Use their abilities to return anything at our society. Many people have vision, but they have no money, now you can use your abilities to focus people that have no vision and have money, or many people use art to give smiles to many children that are in the orphanages; for me they are successful, they have no money but they enjoy what they do and want to be an inspiration to many people.

With everything I said, I conclude that the most important thing to be successful is passion for what you do, money sometimes will come if you do a good job. You need to be focused in what you want, never give up your goals and try to obtain experience from what you do, because it will give you different solutions and will help you to resolve problems that successful people have.

Genius, Talent. Comparison, differences and common things.

In high school we always had a smart guy that everybody hated, maybe because he was an antisocial or he was the guy who always responded question to the teacher. Maybe to use the word genius is incorrect or maybe not, why? Genius is somebody who does something inexplicably different, somebody who creates and uses his/her knowledge to resolve problems. Now how can you explain the talent? If you see somebody who does difficult actions without effort, maybe you are seeing a talented person. Genius and talented people have been studied by the psychology, but the branch which have been favored the most is science.

Of course we can’t say that just the science is affected by genius and talented people, because music is one of great example of that. Instruments in music have suffered changes by the ingenious of musician, for this we have an incredible number of instruments around the world. It is easy to talk about genius people in music like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, but where can we find the talent in music? You just have to search for people who can interpret classical music easily, or people who can hear a guitar solo and play it in less than a day. Geniuses in music are almost extinct, many people say that it is really difficult to find somebody who have created his own work with orchestra, in these days people are dedicated to copy the work of Beethoven or anybody else in classical periods, maybe the people who do this are talented.

Science, for me, is the most benefited of all the branches. It’s because all periods have had different objectives, for example, in Greece when philosophy and science are siblings, they created basic knowledge, and we talk about Pythagoras, Arquimedes and of course Aristotle. Now in the next period of time appeared Newton, he did a revolution in math; it could be the birth of the engineering. But Newton made a mistake, and nobody saw it until Einstein resolved what he did wrong, and this could be why I say that science is the most favored by geniuses, because it’s not a competition to be the best, but it’s a form of resolving difficult mistakes and trying to give your own opinion. Talented people in science are who fix and have enough knowledge about machines and environment where they are working.

Is the social science affected by the genius and talented people today? Sure it’s, because many ideas that they use today are created by people with vision. But in many cases people misinterpreted what the authors said, like Marx. He gave his idea of perfect style to live, he called communism, today the communism is like a damnation because many governments modified what he say and created socialism. Well, for me Marx is a good example of a genius, and of course presidents and people who have the power in countries are talented because they use their abilities to convince people, but they are not genius because they don’t have new ideas and then don’t created new knowledge.

Being intelligent, having skills to do something, how can we explain each characteristic? They are inherited or people build them by studying and practicing? The history is being written by genius but talented people are the most efficient assistants that they can have. To be genius, you have to obtain knowledge of some specific issues and try to do something that people have never imagined. What we need is fresh ideas than can change the world, ideas that resolve the form  they see our planet, respecting what we built.  

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

About me...

Thanks for visit my blog:

I want to do a little presentation about me. I'm Antony Calderón and I'm coursing the number 4 course of english in my university. I'm from Costa Rica and I have been studying by 2 years in ULACIT, I need to do this blog in my course because we have to practice and resolve some mistakes we have in grammatical sentences. I born in Paraíso de Cartago, today I'm 22 years old and I live in the capital of my country, San José.

I'm in a band, I play electric bass and our favorite rhythm is funk. The band's name is La Guayaba, we love include other latin rhythms like 'salsa', 'cumbia'. We are 8 members, and we have 2 woman in the band, they play the saxophone. We are in process to records some of our sounds and then try to do a video, this could be an excellent promotion because publish it in social networks give us a better reputation. In Costa Rica you need to move a lot if you want to work in music, you need to visit thousands of institutions to show them your project.

The carrer I have been studying is circuits engineering and electronic systems. But in this moment I'm studying too the carrer of CISCO, I'm trying to optain the certification, but if your english is not good you are nobody in networking academy.

I hope you will enjoy my blog in this weeks, I need to practice a lot my grammar, please if you have some comment to me or critic let me know it, it's really important have people correcting mistakes to others because is a great form to learn a new languaje.